Sunday, April 17, 2011

Quick Cupcake Post

Today, I made cupcakes!

I've decided I'm not going to say much more than this:  If you click on the cupcake link, you see that they're Cherry Coke Cupcakes, and if you scroll all the way into the comments, you'll find a recipe for buttercream frosting.

I thought that Cherry Coke flavored cupcakes was a pretty good idea.  It probably is, but these cupcakes, while still tasty, don't really taste anything like Cherry Coke.

There is one thing I really liked about the recipe, and I'm just going to quote the recipe here:
In a saucepan, boil the Coca-Cola, and cherry syrup gently for five minutes. Melt in the butter and cocoa powder.
Do that, just that, and drink it.  That shit tastes fantastic.  I'm definitely going to use that as the basis of a hot chocolate some day.

I guess the next recipe I make will be the crazy aubergine custards from the recipe book, and after that, maybe some Chicken, Bacon, and Ranch French Bread Pizza.

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